1. Title; Writing type is in Indonesian language, It is written with Bold- Palatino Linotype -16 letters, Maximum of 15 words, and placed in the center.
  1. First Author's Full Name, Second Author's Full Name and it is Followed by Affiliated Institutions or Agencies, and Written by Capitalizing Each Word with Palatino Linotype -10.
  2. Correspondence’s Address (Specifically Writer Email And Advisor/Promoter).
  3. Abstract; Abstract is written in Bahasa Indonesia by Using Palatino Linotype-10. The Distance Between Lines is 1 Space. Abstract Contains 150-250 Words and Consists of Only 1 Paragraph, which Contains the Purpose, Method, and Research’s Results.
  4. Keywords: three or more important, specific, or representative words or phrases for this article.
  5. Abstract in English must be submitted.
  1. Introduction; It Contains Background, Rational, and or Research Urgency. Reference (Literature or Relevant Research), Needs to be Included in this Section, It is related to Justification of Research Urgency, Emerging of Research Problems, Alternative Solutions, and Selected Solutions. Writing the Sources in the Text Needs to Clearly Show the Author's Name and Source Citation, which is in the form of publication year and the Page where the Manuscript is. An Example is: ........ Research’s Result Shows That More Than 70% Students are not able to Recognize Authentic Problems ..... (Paidi, 2008, P.6). Problems and Objectives, and Uses of Research is Written Narratively in Paragraphs, No Special Sub-titles are Needed. Similarly, the Operational Definition, if it is Needed, is Also Written Narratively, Introduction is Written With Upright Palatino Linotype -11, With 1.15 Space. Each Paragraph Begins with indented words into about 1.2 cm From The Left Side of each Column.
  1. Method; Research Methodology Explains the Design of Activities, the Scope of Research and other Matters Related to the Method of Research. Target, Research Subject.
  2. Research Target/Subject; Research Target/Subject (for Qualitative Research) Or Population-Samples (for Quantitative Research) Needs to be Clearly Explored in this Section. It also needs to write the technique of obtaining the subject (qualitative research) and or its sampling technique (quantitative research).
  3. Data, Instrument, and Data Collection Technique; Types of Data, How data is Collected, With Which Instrument Data is Collected, and how the Technical Collections are, Need to be Described Clearly In this Section.
  4. Results and Discussion; Research’s Results are Presented in Graph, Table, or Descriptive Forms. Analysis and Interpretation of these Results are Needed before it is Discussed.
  5. The Table is Written in the Middle or at the End of Each Description Text of Results/Acquisition of Research. If the Width of the Table is not Enough to be Written In Half A Page, It Can be Written in One Full Page. The Title of the Table is Written from the Center Align Left, All Words Start with Uppercase, Except Connector Words. If More than One Line, It is Written in a Single Space (At Least 12).
  6. Results in the form of pictures, or data that is created into  drawings/schemes/graphs/diagrams/etc, its presentation also follows existing rules; The Title or Name of the Image is placed under the Picture, from the Left, and is given 1 Space (At Least 11) from the Image. If more than 1 Row, between Lines is given a single Space, or at Least 11.
  7. The Discussion Focuses on Linking Data and its Analysis Results to the Research Problems or Objectives and the Broader Theoretical Context. Discussion can be also the Answer to the Question why Facts are Found like in Data?
  8. The Discussion is Written Attached to the Data Discussed. The discussion is sought to be Separated from the Data Discussed.
  9. Conclusion; Conclusion Can be Generalized Findings according to Research Problems, can be also a Recommendation for the Next Step.
  10. Suggestion; Suggestion Can be Inputs for Next Researchers, can be also Implicative Recommendations from Research Findings.
  11. Bibliography; 60% reference list consists of journals. It is Written after Conclusions and Suggestions, Bibliography and Citation are written in APA 6 (American Psychological Association) STYLE. It is Written in Single Space (or at Least 11pt), Between Reference is given 1 Space. Some Examples of How to Write a Reference in the Bibliography, Can be Seen in the Following Example:
    • Example from book: Tangkudung, James. (2012). Sports Coaching Sports Achievement Development, Jakarta: Cerdas Jaya.
    • Example from journal: Crum, B. (2009). From Crisis to Revival-on Justification of PE as a School Subject and PE Curriculum Development in The Netherlands. Japanese Journal of Sport Education Studies, 28(2), 43–49.

Writing Bibliography uses Reference Manager Applications such as EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, and others.